Our candidates services

služby uchazečůmPeople Consutling offers a comprehensive range of services that help you either find a new job position or prepare you for a qualification to the labor market.

Individual career counseling is suitable for candidates who need to improve their orientation the labor market, to prepare for the personal interview or try to mock interview and then get feedback link them to your presentation.

Our career coaching is a consulting service, where we become your partner and together we find solutions to the development of your professional life. We will help you find a new perspective on Your choices in your future career.

"Career advisor offers solutions
career coach is looking for a solution with you "

Follow our jobs portal. Register for free and if your profile match requirements of one of our clients, you will be among the first to be informed of new job positions informed. Alternatively, you can watch the latest deals via RSS channel (watchdog agent).

People Consutling Vám nabízí ucelenou škálu služeb, které Vám pomohou buď přímo najít novou pracovní pozici nebo Vás připraví na kvalifikaci k uplatnění na pracovním trhu.
